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Color: Heather Black

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This profound unisex t-shirt carries a vital message. The Arabic symbol is the letter “n” that stands for “Nasrani” or Nazarene, meaning Christian. The symbol has been used to mark in red the homes and businesses of Christians in the Middle East, leading to the persecution of countless Christians.

What is the story behind this design?

‘When [ISIS] militants… moved into northern Iraq, they began identifying Christian-owned property. Families would find the Arabic letter ن (nun, noon) or n, painted on their homes and churches. This single letter conveyed the powerful accusation that the occupants were “Nazarenes,” people who followed Jesus of Nazareth rather than Islam. ​

…With this mark comes the ultimatum: If you convert to Islam or pay the tax, you can keep your material possessions and remain in this community. If not, leave or you will die. ​

Any person who takes a stand for Jesus… any person who chooses to be “n,” pays a high cost… Pastors who share the message of Jesus in their communities are beheaded in front of their families. Children who will not renounce Jesus are shot. Teenagers may be taken from their homes and families and forced into service to ISIS or beaten, mutilated, and left for dead. Other atrocities are so horrific we will not describe them here… ​

Yet their courageous, steadfast commitment to God in the face of persecution provides Jesus followers all over the world with a powerful picture of what being “n” is all about... they are living out Paul’s words in Philippians 1:21: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”’

Excerpt taken from the Introduction to the book:

“I am N: Inspiring Stories of Christians Facing Islamic Extremists” by Voice of the Martyrs ​​​​​​​
Stand with our persecuted brothers and sisters.
Marked for death. Marked for life.

As believers, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. We pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world and declare that we are not ashamed of the Gospel! Take this opportunity to show your support and prayers for persecuted believers worldwide!

This unisex style features a classic V-neck and is 100% soft cotton.



They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death. Revelation 12:11

When you purchase official apparel from Christ for all Nations, you are helping to support our ongoing worldwide evangelistic ministry.